Welcome to Šilić website!

This page is dedicated to the surname Šilić.

Šilić families are Croats and they are mostly from north Herzegovina. In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in North Herzegovina (Konjic area) and in Middle Bosnia (Sarajevo area). Šilić roots can be traced back to early 1700 when the surname Džebić was used. Around 1750 we start seeing Šilić being used as a nick name first, then as a double surname ( Džebić- Šilić) and in the late 1800s it is used as simply Šilić. In the early 1800s, Šilić families are mostly located around a small village Radešine, near Konjic in Bosnia and Herzegovina. From there some migrated to Sinj in Croatia and then Istra in Croatia. Some migrated to Sarajevo and it is believed that some also migrated to Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia. It is believed that there is another branch on Šilić families living mainly in Vojvodina, Serbia which is unrelated to the Šilić from north Herzegovina. Today Šilić families live all over the world.

You can view the family tree dating back to early 1700s. It has over 800 people on it and it is always growing. The aim is to have all Šilić connected to it one day – we are not far from that aim. If you have any information or documents, please reach out so we would love to include them on this website. We also have a Facebook group you can ask any questions there.

The rest of the page is in Croatian, you can use google translate or you can also reach out to me for any help. I live in Sydney Australia so English is not a problem.

Berislav (Barry) Šilić